I recently completed my Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Georgia, specializing in corpus linguistics and digital humanities. My research is focused on analyzing language variation in English using digital tools. I currently work as the Outreach Coordinator for the Digital Humanities Lab (DigiLab), sponsored by the Willson Center for the Humanities. Previously, I worked as a research assistant for the DigiLab and the Linguistic Atlas Project (LAP) in addition to being a teaching assistant for John Hale for the Text and Corpus LING/ENGL 4/6{886} course at UGA. My dissertation analyzes linguistic variation in texts from the Early Modern English period to the present day on health and health-related technology. I investigate this through corpus-based and computational methods focusing on several corpora, including ones I have created and compiled of US and UK press over time and from social media.
Research Interests:
Get in touch!
Email: katherine.ireland@uga.edu